EDNA Engage!™

Fostering Academic Engagement with Community Produced IP

EDNA Engage!™

Fostering Academic Engagement with Community Produced IP

Of the three types of organizations in Community IP the most resource rich with the most growth opportunity, especially with respect to collaboration, is Academia.  These are institutions at all levels, which have human resources, research capabilities, and IP development needs and capabilities which far outstretch what communities can do on their own.

Integration stool-sAs such, EDNA Engage!™ represents the most exciting initiatives of IP Engage™.  They are as follows:

  • Developing and promoting the accreditation of entrepreneurship programs involving real-world experiential opportunities
    • For elective credits earned by entrepreneur-interested students
    • For Senior Projects of entrepreneur-interested students
    • Community engagement and entrepreneurial synergy with respect to graduate work and graduate initiatives.
    • For increasing ownership of IP by Academic Institutions
    • For research opportunities (and IP discovery / development)
    • For funding via engagement with local businesses and industries
  • Providing a venue of Real-World Entrepreneurial experiences with rewards in terms of desired experience, college credit, IP ownership (for the institution), and to lay the groundwork for potential post-graduation employment
  • Facilitate schedule crashing and fast-track methodologies for ventures deemed by the university as high-priority in which they have IP, research, or other interest
  • Provide academic institutions a huge portfolio of IP, innovation and entrepreneurial opportunities otherwise unavailable to them.

These are still in the infancy stages, but IP Engage™ is actively and aggressively pursuing partnerships and opportunities to mature the above initiatives into productive enterprises.

EDNA Engage!™ is not without it's challenges and key stakeholders capable of assisting in forwarding these initiatives are strongly encouraged to help lay the groundwork for this promising venue of innovation and IP-based community partnership.

EDNA Engage!™